Disclaimer: I work at Backblaze.
Protocol: S3; Locations: 1 (New Jersey) Price: $5/mo; CDN: no; 5. Founded in 2007, Backblaze B2 is one of the cheapest object storage providers available today. Advertising itself as 1/4th the price of Amazon S3, the price for B2 is $0.005/GB/mo for storage and $0.01/GB for downloads. The first 10 GB is free too. Visit Backblaze B2. Instead, Backblaze claims its price list only runs to one line and offers cloud storage at 0.5 cents per GB per month. That’s a quarter of what S3 charges, said Thomas.
> Last I checked, Backblaze still stores most data in 1 location, no?
Backblaze now has multiple regions! One in Europe (Netherlands) and one is called 'US-West'. Quietly the US-West is actually three separate data centers, but your data will only really land in 1 datacenter somewhere in US-West based on a few internal factors.
Backblaze S3 Pricing Plan
To be absolutely clear, if you only upload and store and pay for 1 copy of your Backblaze B2 data, it is living in one region. To get a copy in two locations you have to pay twice as much and take some actions. So if this kind of redundancy is important to you for mission critical reasons Backblaze B2 would only be half as expensive as one copy in Amazon S3, not 1/4 as expensive.
Backblaze Vs Carbonite
In the one copy in one region in Backblaze B2, any file is 'sharded' across 20 different servers in 20 different racks in 20 different locations inside that datacenter. This helps insulate against failures like if one rack loses power (like if a power strip goes bad or a circuit breaker blows). But if a meteor hits that 1 datacenter and wipes out all of the equipment in a 1 mile blast radius, you won't be getting that data back unless you have a backup somewhere else.