X64 Excel 64 bit download - x64 - X 64-bit Download - x64-bit download - freeware, shareware and software downloads. Microsoft recommends the 32-bit version, even on 64-bit systems, to avoid compatibility issues with third-party add-ons. However, there may be instances when you'd want the 64-bit version, like if.
32-Bit vs 64-Bit Microsoft Excel
Originally, Excel was only available as a 32-bit EXE. In recent years, Microsoft gives the user the ability to install either 32-bit or 64-bit Excel on a Windows computer. The default install is now 64-bit. A user can uninstall and reinstall as needed. AppProtect and QuickLicense can generate 32-bit or 64-bit EXEs. To satisfy all users with Excel 2007 or later, include both EXEs on your website. Instruct the user to install the appropriate EXE for their computer and set Trust Center options Enable All Macros and Allow Trusted Locations. If your workbook has features that require a newer version of Excel or you don't need backwards compatibility for Excel 2007 users, see the Modern Excel Users section below.
How to Install Office 32 or 64 Bit
If you currently have 32-bit Office installed and want to switch to 64-bit Office or vice versa, first uninstall Microsoft Office from the Control panel. On Windows 10, Right click on the Start menu and choose Apps and Features, then select Microsoft Office 365 and click Uninstall. Log into your Microsoft account and click Install Office. Click on orange Install Office button to present the Install Office 365 screen. Click the Other Options link at the top right to choose a specific version of Office. Select Office - 32-bit or Office - 64-bit, then complete the install process. Where is Excel.exe
To locate Excel.exe on a Windows 10 computer, click the Start menu and type Excel. You should see the Excel icon in the Start menu. Right click on that icon and choose Open File Location from the popup menu. A window is opened showing you a shortcut icon. Right click on that shortcut icon and choose Open File Location from the popup menu. The Excel.exe should now be displayed and selected on your screen. Notice the full file path displayed at the top of the window. Modern Excel Users
If your workbook requires Excel 2013 or later, a digital signature can alleviate customer security concerns. Learn how to Digitally Sign VBA in your workbook. Excel Software recommends that you test and document the Excel requirements of your application. A 64-bit EXE built with a new version of QuickLicense or AppProtect works with either 32 or 64-bit Excel (in new versions of Excel). Test your 64-bit EXE on both 32 and 64-bit editions of the oldest Excel version that you plan to support. |

Quantum XL is fully compatible with Windows 32bit and 64bit. However, at the time of writing Quantum XL must be running on 32bit Office/Excel. By default, the Office installer will install the 32bit version. However, if you would like to double check, then follow these steps.

Note: Excel 2007 and earlier are all 32-bit.
Instructions for Excel 2016/2019/Office 465
Instructions for Excel 2013
Instructions for Excel 2010
How to tell if Excel 2016/2019/Office 365 is 32-bit or 64-bit

First, select “File” from the main menu.

The select “Account” from the left menu.

Then select “About Excel” from the box on the right.
The text at the top of the dialog will show if Excel is 32 or 64 bit.
How to tell if Excel 2013 is 32-bit or 64-bit
First, select “File” from the main menu.
64 Bit Office
Then select “Account” from the menu on the left. On the right side of the screen is a small box with the words “About”. Despite lacking any visual indication that this is a button, it actually is one. Click on this button.
64 Bit Vs 32 Bit Office
At the top of this window after a long sequence of numbers and letters are the words “32-bit” or “64-bit”.
Excel 64 Bit Setup
How to tell if Excel 2010 is 32-bit or 64-bit
Excel 64 Bit Date Picker
Select “File” then “Help”. On the right side look for the words “About Microsoft Excel”. Just below you will see the version and either (32-bit) or (64-bit).