Macintosh - Setup and Connect with AnyConnect. Linux Linux: Cisco AnyConnect client for Linux: Server Address: (or for advanced users/server admins) CU Boulder Credentials: CU Login Name and IdentiKey password; More information can be found on the VPN - Setup and Usage on Linux page. To sum up, you can fix Cisco AnyConnect if the VPN failed to load preferences by reinstalling the application, deleting its folder, or changing the security settings. However, if you’re interested in a great alternative to Cisco AnyConnect, consider using Perimeter 81. DDNS hostname is configurable on MX Appliances in Passthrough/VPN Concentrator mode when AnyConnect is enabled. To enable AnyConnect VPN, select Enabled from the AnyConnect Client VPN radio button on the Security Appliance Configure Client VPN AnyConnect Settings tab. The following AnyConnect VPN options can be configured. Windows may suggest you configure the built-in VPN instead. This will not work, install the AnyConnect VPN software. Install the software with administrator privileges. VPN server: ( will still work, but we encourage everyone doing a new setup to use Username: Your NetID.
CWRU Virtual Private Network (VPN) Client Software
Fortinet FortiClient SSL VPN Client for Students, Faculty, and Staff only
FortiClient VPN is the new VPN platform offered by UTech. FortiClient VPN will replace the Cisco VPN service that we currently offer. FortiClient VPN provides the same secure remote access ability as the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client.
For information on how to install and use this software,go to - VPN
What's New:
FortiClient VPN Clients are now available..Case Western Reserve University has incoporated Two-Factor Authentication into the Virtual Private Network (VPN) service. Two-factor authentication provides added security by prompting you for a unique code in addition to your password.
Cisco Anyconnect Vpn
For more information, please visit Duo Security: Two-Factor Authentication.
Installation Instructions :
1) Download and install the appropriate FortiClient install program for your Operating System.
2) Register for DUO Two-Factor Authentication ( enroll here )
If the client for your operating system is not shown, please contact the Helpdesk at (216) 368-HELP for further assistance.
CWRU Fortinet FortiClient Download